The campaign was a huge success, raising vital funds for our conservation work in India and helping us to raise awareness of the importance of sharing space between people and wildlife.
As one of the 17 most biodiverse countries in the world, India has been identified as a key focus for conservation by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it. It is home to many important and endangered wildlife species, including over 50% of the world’s free ranging Asian elephants and large populations of tigers.
It is also a country where humans and wildlife live together in the greatest densities, which is why it has always been such a priority for our Conservation programme. We believe our work there can have a transformative impact on human-wildlife coexistence
We are excited to be setting up a new CoExistence Fund to invest in projects which reduce human wildlife conflict, promote more positive attitudes towards wildlife and support the communities living alongside them.
We are currently establishing a CoExistence Advisory Group of conservation experts to help guide this work, ensuring it is impactful, collaborative and thoughtful. Keep an eye out for further information in the near future!