Leading partners
The Real Elephant Collective
The creators of the herd, thank you for inspiring London.

CoExistence headline sponsor Xerjoff have gone above and beyond on their #SprayToHelp mission, producing the perfume ‘CoExistence by Xerjoff’ exclusively for the campaign, with all profits going to Elephant Family.
IBI International Logistics – Fine Art Division:
sponsors of The Highway Hathis herd, and the superheroes who saved the campaign by migrating the herd for FREE!
Herd sponsors
sponsors of The Original Dwellers Herd

House of Waris:
sponsors of The Tea Timers Herd

Petersham Nurseries:
sponsors of The Climate Coolers Herd

sponsors of The Natural World Heroes Herd

sponsors of The Crop Raiders Herd

Truefitt & Hill:
sponsors of The Bachelor Boys Herd

sponsors of The Tree Trunk Herd, and drinks partners for the George Butler exhibition and CoExistence finale event ‘A Starry Night in the Nilgiri Hills’

CoExistence Partners
promoting UK CoExistence and supporting UK biodiversity

Biltema Foundation:
dear friends and unwaivering supporters
Sladmore Contemporary:
artistic hub for CoExistence by George Butler, and hosts of ‘The Flock Descends’

London Art Week:
putting the CoExistence herd on the map
beloved friends of Elephant Family and event partners for CoExistence

The Athenaeum Hotel
campaign HQ for the entire CoExistence team!