
By influencing the influencers we shine a spotlight on important conservation issues.

Politicians and CEOs play a powerful role in protecting our natural world.

Elephant Family works with government, industry and the corporate sector to address conservation issues and increase our impact. 

Elephant Skin

Across Asia, elephants are being hunted to extinction for their skin.


Power lines hung across migratory routes are deadly for wild elephants.

The Great Elephant Migration

A global environmental art campaign.

Support Asia's wildlife

A gift today will help power pioneering projects that conserve Asia's wildlife and enable successful coexistence between all living things.

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May 26, 2023

The Elephant Family x Emporio Sirenuse Collaboration

Emporio Sirenuse collaborates on an exclusive resortwear and homeware collection with The Elephant Family.

February 17, 2023

Update on our CoExistence journey

Our CoExistence campaign shone a light on Asia’s wild elephants and the indigenous communities living alongside them. Find out what’s happened since the launch in this update.