
Elephant Family is committed to making this website as accessible as possible. If you have any suggestions or feedback on our website’s accessibility, or have encountered any problems using the site, please let us know.

Changing text size

The Elephant Family website allows you to change the text size within your web browser to a size that is suitable to you individually.

  • For some newer web browsers, hold down the CTRL/Apple key and press + and – to change text size.
  • In older browsers, go to View and then Text Size to select your preferred size.

Using your keyboard to navigate the website

  • Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll up and down a page.
  • To jump from the top to the bottom of the pages use the page up and page down buttons.
  • Use the tab button to go to the next form field, or hold down shift and press tab if you want to go back to the previous one.

Opening PDF documents

  • You will need Adobe Reader on your computer, which may be downloaded from their website.