The Big Egg Hunt

The Big Egg Hunt in partnership with Clarence Court is the world’s biggest egg hunt that invites the public to find giant decorated eggs, hidden in cityscapes.

This Easter, the world’s leading artists, designers, architects and jewellers will imaginatively turn a collection of over 100 egg sculptures into unique and desirable masterpieces. Displayed in iconic outdoor locations, the eggs will be hidden throughout the city for six weeks, transforming London into a vibrant art exhibition unlike any other.

In the spirit of collaboration and community, Elephant Family are proud to join forces with Clarence Court eggs for The Big Egg Hunt 2025.

Launching in April 2025, these exquisite creations will take London by storm before being sold at auction to support the vital conservation work of Elephant Family.

We’re still on the lookout for artists, sponsors and locations for our eggs. If you would like to find out more or get involved in The Big Egg hunt please contact:

“I’m delighted to support this year’s big egg hunt in support of Elephant Family. A wonderful celebration of art and a reminder about nurturing the incredible animals that share our planet.”
-HRH Princess Eugenie, long-standing Patron of Elephant Family

“What is particularly appealing about the hunt is the sheer size and scale of the undertaking and the fact that there is a cross pollination between artists and designers from different backgrounds.”
The Huffington Post

“This is the Egg Hunt to join…. as Mark Shand, our beloved Founder, said eggs are the symbols of hope and by golly we need that now. Eggs and Elephants: a pairing made in Heaven!”
- Dame Joanna Lumley, Elephant Family Patron

“It is not only the most beautiful, colorful and fun campaign, it also holds the key to saving the majestic species from extinction.”
- Goldie Hawn, Elephant Family Patron

The Big Egg Hunt returns to London in 2025!

We're still on the lookout for artists, sponsors and locations for our eggs. If you would like to find out more or get involved in The Big Egg hunt please contact: